The University Library was established in the year 1958. This is a unique library in the country devoted primarily to the study and research on Indian Classical Music and Visual arts.
The State Library of the Khairagarh State called Edward Library was merged in the Janpad Library and later the Janpad Library was merged in the university library, therefore this library is having very useful and rare books on contemporary history, literature and some other disciplines. Our university was recognized by the U. G. C. in the year 1971. After receiving the grants from the U. G. C. the University library started to develop faster. The separate library building was constructed during the sixth five-year plan by 100% U. G. C. grants.
Our Library has a unique collection dedicated to education and research in the field of music,dance, folk music and visual arts. Library has rich collection of more than 45 thousand books,2400 plus back volumes of research journals, more than 430 thesis and 40 plus subscribed journals. Library also has special section for visually challenged users. In this section we havebrail literature, audio books, brail typewriter and printer with computer for visually challenged users.
University Library has signed a MoU with IGNCA, New Delhi and INGLIBNET Centre,Gandhinagar for NCAA project and Shodhaganga, respectively.
Library Sections:
1. Acquisition Section
2. Technical Section
3. Circulation Section (Circulation & Property Counter)
4. Automation and E-Library
5. Thesis and Back-volumes
6. Periodical Section
7. Reference Section
8. Manuscripts and Rare Book
9. Section for Visually Challenged (Brail and Audio Books)
10. Reprography
11. Reading Hall
12. Audiovisual Section
Library Committee:
1. | Vice Chancellor | Chairperson |
2. | Dean, Faculty of Music | Member (Ex-officio) |
3. | Dean, Faculty of Dance | Member (Ex-officio) |
4. | Dean, Faculty of Arts | Member (Ex-officio) |
5. | Dean, Faculty of Visual Arts | Member (Ex-officio) |
6. | Dean, Faculty of Folk Music & Arts | Member (Ex-officio) |
7. | Head of the Department Member | Member (3 Years) |
8. | Head of the Department Member | Member (3 Years) |
9. | Head of the Department Member | Member (3 Years) |
10. | Teacher Member | Member (3 Years) |
11. | Teacher Member | Member (3 Years) |
12. | Teacher Member | Member (3 Years) |
13. | Librarian | Secretary |
Dr. Manas Sahu Associate Professor,Physics of Sound Designation :- In-charge, Library Phone :- 07820-234588 |
University has a rich collection of Audio-visual Materials which includes 1600 plus gramophone records, 300 plus spool tapes, 2900 plus audio cassettes, audio books for visually challenged readers, significant number of microfilms, video tapes, ACD, VCD, etc. University singed a MoU with IGNCA as a partnering institution for the National Cultural Audio-visual Archive (NCAA) project, in which audio-visual materials of our university can be easily accessible to all.
1. | Gramophone Records | 5382 |
2. | Audio Cassettes | 3064 |
3. | Audio CDs | 723 |
4. | Video CDs | 742 |
5. | Spool Tape | 316 |
6. | CD ROM | 29 |
7. | Micro Film | 01 |
8. | Video Cassettes | 59 |
9. | Painting Slides | 210 |
10. | MP3 CDs | 32 |
Web OPAC: A Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) is an electronic database to the library’s collection. It is an interface of information retrieval system which assists information searchers to access bibliographical database of the Library. Currently it is only accessible to the users in LAN/Intranet.
CPS: Library provides Content Page Service (CPS) through e-mail to all the faculty members and research scholars. In this service the scanned copy of content with cover page, of every research journals subscribed by library are provided through email as soon as it is received.
SDI: Library also provides Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) to faculty members and research scholars. After viewing the content page provided by CPS, if faculty members or research scholar requests the full article of any journal, we provide scanned copy of that particular article to them on mail.
Reprographic Service: Library provides reprographic service on payment basis to the students, research scholars of the university.
Library Orientation: Library users should have very good knowledge about the library to retrieve the information and making use of the library services and facilities effectively. To ensure that library users can make use of library resources and services, adequately and to their own satisfaction, we provide Library orientation or user orientation to new students, research scholars and other member of the library.
News Paper Clippings: All the news about Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya whether it is faculty, student, office, administration we collect all.
Non-book Material: Non-book materials such as audio–video cassettes, spool tapes, gramophone records, CDs, DVDs, picture plates, are available in the audiovisual section of the Library.
Other Services: Home lending, In-house use, Departmental loan, Reservation book facility, Documentation services, Reprographic service, Internet facility, Reference Service are provided in the Library.
Library Membership and Rules
Membership |
Only valid members of the University Library will be permitted to use any of the library facilities or services.
Special Members Any local citizen, who want to access the resources of the university library, with prescribed recommendation of and on Guarantee from any regularfaculty member or officer of the university. Visitors Research scholars and faculty members of other universities, who want to access the resources of the university library, with prescribed recommendation from their respective research supervisor/guide/head of the department etc. |
Emoluments |
Membership fees, deposits, changes for various library services, fines and others emoluments and materials to be issued to a member on lone, duration,and other entitlements of a member will be as per Table I and II of Borrowing Privileges. Changes in emoluments and entitlements of members will be informed time to time. 1. Membership Card will be issued by Library to all the members 2. All the members must bring their Membership Cards while entering in the Library premises. 3. The Librarian on application for membership in the prescribed form will issue Library Card to eligible persons. Such cards will ordinarily remain in force according to their category unless cancelled by the Librarian. It shall not be transferable. 4. Before entering the library, every member mentioned in rule 3, will show her/his Membership Card issued by the Library to the authority/staff member at the counter and deposit all her/his belongings, such as private books, an umbrella, a stick, a hat, a bag at the counter excepting the books, periodicals or other materials she/he has to return to the Library. 5. Every member mentioned in Rule 3 will show her/his Membership Card to the authorities and staff members of University Library whenever demanded in Library premises. 6. Every person on entering the Library will write her/his name, with other details decided by the Librarian in a Register kept at the counter for the purpose and will sign the Register. 7. Every member shall leave the Library immediately after the caution bell, which will be given ten minutes before the closing hour of the library. 8. Every member before leaving the reading hall will return the book or books to the staff at the issuing counter and must not she/he replace the book or books on the shelves. 9. No tracing or mechanical or electronic reproduction from books or other material shall be made except with the prior permission of the Librarian. 10. Members shall not write or make any mark upon, disfigure or otherwise damage any book, periodical or any other material belonging to the library. 11. Members will be held responsible for any damage done to the books or other property belonging to the library and shall be required to replace such books or other property damaged and shall have to pay the full current value with penalty thereof as determined by the library authorities. 12. In case a student member fails either to replace the book or to pay the cost of the book, reported as lost by her/him, declaration of her/his result will be withheld. 13. In case a non-student member fails either to replace the book or to pay the cost of the book, reported as lost by her/him, the librarian with the consent of library committee may take suitable action. 14. The library authorities and staff members or the library attendant at the entrance and exit counter is authorized to examine everything that passes into or out of the Library. 15. The Librarian shall have power to suspend the use of the card of any member or deny the use of any facility in the library to any member, or suspend membership, if the member is found neglecting to comply with any of the rules. 16. In addition to the suspension of the membership, the Librarian shall also have powers to recommend to the library committee, cancellation of membership, if the member is found neglecting to comply with any of the rules. 17. Smoking, spiting, loud conversation and similar objectionable practices are forbidden in or near the library premises. |
Special Rules for Theses, Dissertations, MSS, Rare books Art Books |
1. Theses and dissertations in all subjects, forwarded by Incharge, Research to the University Library, will be in the sole charge of the Librarian. 2. These shall be available for reading on demand to the members in the University Library Premises only. 3. Every member desiring to make use of the thesis will sign her/his name with her/his correct address in a Register kept in the thesis room or reference section for the purpose. 4. For reading thesis a member is required to keep her/his Identity Card with the Staff working in the Reference Section. 5. Only one thesis at time will be issued for reference. |
Lending of |
1. No book forming part of the reference section or labeled as valuable for its rarity or for its illustrations shall in any circumstance, be removed 2. No text book, of which there is only one copy in the Library, will be issued from the library except with the special permission previously 3. Manuscript and Arts books will not be issued out and will be allowed to be referred in the library premises only with a special permission of the 4. Important and rare books of which there is only one copy in the library should be treated as “Reference Book” and be issued to readers subject to 5. Important and rare books of which there is only one copy in the library should be treated as “Reference Book” and be issued to readers subject to 6. Loose issues of periodicals or bound volumes will not be issued for use outside the library premises except with the permission of the Librarian. 7. No books shall be check out from the library by any person without proper entry in library system. In case any member/reader tries to take the books from the Library without proper entry in library system her/his membership shall be cancelled. However, Librarian may reconsider the case and her/his decision shall be final. 8. Books, periodicals and any other materials that have been taken out of the library are liable to be recalled at any time and when so recalled they must be returned at once. 9. Text-books and other books recommended for further study, reading and for reference for various University Courses shall ordinarily be issued to students and teaching staff members of the respective department/faculties. 10. Every member must return all books and other material taken on loan from the Library, when called for the Librarian for the stock-taking. 11. Every reader must return all the books belonging to Library at her/his possession on or before the end of the last working of second semester for stock taking without fail. No book will be issued to her/him unless she/he returns all the books in her/his possession. 12. The member can withdraw her/his amount of caution money deposit from the University when she/he ceases to be a member of the library. All pending dues will have to be cleared before withdrawing the caution money deposit. 13. Even member is expected to check the pagination of the book or damage to any others material before she/he takes it home for use and any defects found should immediately be reported to the Librarian. A member failing to do so will be held responsible for any damage caused to the book or the material. 14. Books and others material will be issued to members between 10:30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on all working days of the Library. 15. Members will get books for reading after producing her/his Identity Card. |
Borrowing privileges
The library provides general access and a full range of services to its member. These services include issue and return to library materials from the Circulation counter. Borrowing of reading materials facility is available to library members. The registration to use the Library facility and services is automatic for the Faculty members, Research Scholars, Students and staff on joining the university. At present, users can keep the issued books in their custody as long as they stay in the campus. Entitlements of the library members, in terms of type of reading materials andnumber of reading materials are as follows:
Table – I (Type of reading materials)
Member Type |
Lending of Books |
Lending of Periodicals, audio-visual materials and other Non-book materials |
Reprographic Service (for academic purpose only) |
Reading Hall, Audio-visual Section |
Teaching and Non-teaching staff |
Allowed |
Not allowed |
Allowed |
Allowed |
Research Scholars |
Allowed |
Not allowed |
Allowed |
Allowed |
Students |
Allowed |
Not allowed |
Allowed |
Allowed |
Special Members |
Allowed |
Not allowed |
Allowed |
Allowed |
Visitors |
Not allowed |
Not allowed |
Allowed |
Allowed |
Table – II (Number of reading materials)
Member Type |
Number of books issued |
Issue Period (number of days) |
Reissue |
Overdue charges (per day) |
Teaching Staff |
10 |
15 |
2 |
-- |
Officers and other non-teaching staff |
05 |
15 |
2 |
-- |
Research Scholars |
05 |
15 |
2 |
1.00 |
M Phil Students |
04 |
15 |
2 |
1.00 |
PG Students |
03 |
15 |
2 |
1.00 |
UG Students |
02 |
15 |
2 |
1.00 |
Diploma/Certificate course Students |
01 |
15 |
2 |
1.00 |
Special Members |
03 |
15 |
2 |
1.00 |
Visitors |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Music |
1. |
Sangeet |
Hindi |
1954-2004 |
051 |
Subscribing |
2. |
Sangeet Kala Vihar |
Hindi |
1950-2004 |
055 |
Subscribing |
3. |
Chhayanat |
Hindi |
1977-2004 |
028 |
Subscribing |
4. |
Sangeet Martang |
Hindi |
1983-1986 |
004 |
Suspended |
5. |
Nadarchana |
Hindi |
1991-1997 |
007 |
Subscribing |
6. |
Sangeet Natak Academy |
English |
1965-1990 |
026 |
Suspended |
7. |
Journal of Music Academy Madras |
English |
1944-1977 |
053 |
Subscribing |
8. |
Journal of Indian Musicological Society, Baroda |
English |
1970-2004 |
035 |
Subscribing |
9. |
Indian Music Journal |
English |
1964-1974-1985 |
012 |
Suspended |
10. |
N. C. P. A. |
English |
1972-1988 |
017 |
Suspended |
11. |
Sangeet Research Academy |
English |
1981-1997 |
013 |
Suspended |
12. |
Kala Sourabh |
Hindi |
1972-1985 |
007 |
Suspended |
13. |
Music Literature Fine Arts |
English |
1968-1983 |
018 |
Suspended |
14. |
Sruti |
English |
1983-2004 |
212 |
Subscribing |
15. |
Shanmukha |
English |
1981-2004 |
022 |
Subscribing |
16. |
Surchhanda |
Bengali |
1977-1990 |
014 |
Suspended |
17. |
American Musicological Society |
English |
1978-1994 |
008 |
Suspended |
18. |
American Musicological Society Newsletter |
English |
1978-1995 |
014 |
Suspended |
19. |
American Musicological Society Directory |
English |
1991-1995 |
005 |
Suspended |
20. |
Musical Quarterly |
English |
1977-1991 |
008 |
Suspended |
21. |
Ethnomusicology |
English |
1956-1985, 1989-1994 |
036 |
Suspended |
22. |
S. E. M. Newsletter |
English |
1953-1994 |
016 |
Suspended |
23. |
Rilm Abstract |
English |
1967-1980 |
001 |
Suspended |
24. |
The World of Music |
English |
1981-1994 |
013 |
Suspended |
25. |
International Journal of Music Education |
English |
1989-1994 |
004 |
Suspended |
26. |
Music Journal |
English |
1979 |
001 |
Suspended |
27. |
Music Mirror |
English |
1957-1958 |
002 |
Suspended |
28. |
Lakshya Sangeet |
English |
1955-1958 |
004 |
Suspended |
Visual Arts |
1. |
Lalit Kala |
English |
1985-1987 |
003 |
Suspended |
2. |
Lalit Kala Contemproary |
English |
1959-2004 |
033 |
Subscribing |
3. |
Samakalin Kala |
Hindi |
1982-1996 |
011 |
Subscribing |
4. |
Kala Darshan |
Hindi |
1988-1992 |
005 |
Suspended |
5. |
Kala Vritta |
Hindi |
1980-2004 |
019 |
Subscribing |
6. |
Indian and World Arts and Crafts |
English |
1985-1997 |
013 |
Suspended |
7. |
Marg |
English |
1990-2004 |
044 |
Subscribing |
8. |
Kalakshetra |
English |
1983-1988 |
006 |
Suspended |
9. |
Indian Journal of Communication |
English |
1978-1979 |
004 |
Suspended |
10. |
Kalavarta |
Hindi |
1980-2004 |
012 |
Subscribing |
11. |
Art Quarterly |
English |
1977-1978 |
002 |
Suspended |
12. |
Art International |
English |
1978-1984 |
006 |
Suspended |
13. |
Art Education |
English |
1971-1994 |
006 |
Suspended |
14. |
Art Journal |
English |
1982-1990 |
004 |
Suspended |
15. |
Studio International |
English |
1983-1985 |
003 |
Suspended |
16. |
Apollo |
English |
1989-1994 |
003 |
Suspended |
17. |
India Magazine |
English |
1989-1998 |
010 |
Suspended |
18. |
Poetry and Art |
English |
1996 |
001 |
Suspended |
History |
1. |
Journals of Indian History |
English |
1963-1984 |
013 |
Suspended |
2. |
Indian Antiquary |
English |
1878-1949 |
073 |
Suspended |
3. |
Ancient India |
English |
1946-1959 |
008 |
Suspended |
4. |
All India Oriental Conference |
English |
1918-1978 |
025 |
Suspended |
5. |
Annals of Bhandarkar Oriental Research |
English |
1920-1981 |
059 |
Suspended |
6. |
Epigraphia Indica |
English |
1848-1972 |
030 |
Suspended |
7. |
Indian History Congress |
English |
1939-1968 |
023 |
Suspended |
8. |
Indian Historical Quarterly |
English |
1940-1962 |
019 |
Suspended |
9. |
Indian Archaeology |
English |
1954-1985 |
031 |
Suspended |
10. |
Epigraphia Andharica |
English |
1974-1975 |
002 |
Suspended |
11. |
The Numismatic Society of India |
English |
1939-1996 |
056 |
Suspended |
12. |
The Inscription of Andhra Pradesh |
English |
1974 |
001 |
Suspended |
13. |
Journal of Oriental Research |
English |
1970-1972 |
002 |
Suspended |
14. |
Prachya Pratibha |
Hindi |
1974-1978 |
007 |
Suspended |
15. |
Indian Historical Review |
English |
1974-1983 |
010 |
Suspended |
16. |
Journal of Oriental Institute |
English |
1965-1981 |
006 |
Suspended |
17. |
Nagpur University Journal |
English |
1935-1967 |
017 |
Suspended |
18. |
Journal of G N Jha K. S. V. |
English |
039 |
Suspended |
19. |
Orissa Historical Res. Journal |
English |
1952-1958 |
007 |
Suspended |
20. |
Memoirs of Archeological Survey of India |
English |
1977-1978 |
002 |
Suspended |
21. |
Annual Report Archeological Survey of India |
English |
023 |
Suspended |
22. |
Aryan Heritage |
English |
1862-1922 |
169 |
Subscribing |
Folklore |
1. |
Folklore |
English |
1981-1990 |
010 |
Suspended |
2. |
Choumsas |
Hindi |
1983-2004 |
014 |
Subscribing |
3. |
Isuri |
Hindi |
1983-1996 |
014 |
Suspended |
4. |
Lok Sanskriti |
Hindi |
1969-1978 |
006 |
Suspended |
5. |
Lokvritta |
Hindi |
1986-1989 |
004 |
Suspended |
6. |
Lokakshar |
Hindi |
2000-2004 |
005 |
Subscribing |
7. |
Indian Folk Life |
English |
2000-2004 |
005 |
Subscribing |
8. |
Lokrang |
Hindi |
2000-2004 |
005 |
Subscribing |
Literature |
1. |
Alochana |
Hindi |
1978-2004 |
012 |
Subscribing |
2. |
Natrang |
Hindi |
1965-2004 |
033 |
Subscribing |
3. |
Poorvagraha |
Hindi |
1974-1991 |
013 |
Suspended |
4. |
Pahal |
Hindi |
1980-2004 |
023 |
Susbscribing |
5. |
Gagananchal |
Hindi |
1983-1999 |
018 |
Suspended |
6. |
Aajkal |
Hindi |
1986-2004 |
021 |
Susbscribing |
7. |
Sakshatkar |
Hindi |
1987-2004 |
024 |
Susbscribing |
8. |
Patkatha |
Hindi |
1986-1994 |
009 |
Suspended |
9. |
Samkalin Bharatiya Sahitya |
Hindi |
1981-1996 |
016 |
Suspended |
10. |
Anuvabhaati |
Hindi |
1996-2004 |
009 |
Susbscribing |
11. |
Rangyatra |
Hindi |
1993-1995 |
003 |
Suspended |
12. |
Rangsandhan |
Hindi |
1978-1979 |
002 |
Suspended |
13. |
Sammelan Patrika |
Hindi |
1978-1979 |
002 |
Suspended |
14. |
Sapeksha |
Hindi |
1984-1993 |
006 |
Suspended |
15. |
Samas |
Hindi |
1992-1993 |
003 |
Suspended |
16. |
Samya |
Hindi |
1990-1996 |
009 |
Suspended |
17. |
Sanskriti |
Hindi |
1972-1987 |
013 |
Suspended |
18. |
Saraswati |
Hindi |
1946-1969 |
008 |
Suspended |
19. |
Madhyam |
Hindi |
1964-1966 |
003 |
Suspended |
20. |
Vagartha |
Hindi |
2001-2004 |
017 |
Susbscribing |
21. |
Akshara |
Hindi |
1984-2004 |
064 |
Susbscribing |
22. |
Aajkal |
Hindi |
1986-2004 |
019 |
Susbscribing |
23. |
Doorva |
Sanskrit |
1986-2004 |
016 |
Susbscribing |
24. |
Medha |
Sanskrit |
1966-1980-2001 |
016 |
Susbscribing |
25. |
Natyam |
Sanskrit |
1982-2004 |
020 |
Susbscribing |
26. |
Sagrika |
Sanskrit |
1982-2004 |
022 |
Susbscribing |
27. |
Sanskrit Pratibha |
Sanskrit |
1992-2004 |
007 |
Susbscribing |
General |
1. |
University News |
English |
1973-2000 |
030 |
Susbscribing |
2. |
Yoganjali |
Hindi |
1988-2004 |
017 |
Susbscribing |
3. |
Akhandajyoti |
Hindi |
1994-2004 |
011 |
Susbscribing |
4. |
Kalyan |
Hindi |
1976-2004 |
056 |
Susbscribing |
5. |
Sampreshan |
Hindi |
1996-1999 |
004 |
Susbscribing |
6. |
Rachna |
Hindi |
1997-2004 |
033 |
Susbscribing |
7. |
Pustak Varta |
Hindi |
2001- |
001 |
Susbscribing |
8. |
Shodh Upakram |
Hindi |
1999-2000 |
002 |
Suspended |
No. |
Author |
Title |
Script |
Pages |
Source |
1. |
Vishnudharmottaram |
Handwritten |
286 |
Government Oriental Manuscript Library & Research Centre, Chennai, TN |
2. |
Bhratarnava |
Handwritten |
042 |
Government Oriental Manuscript Library & Research Centre, Chennai, T. N. |
3. |
Raja Haripal |
Sangeet Sudhakara |
Handwritten |
247 |
Government Oriental Manuscript Library & Research Centre, Chennai, T. N. |
4. |
Rajapati Narayana |
Sangeet Narayanam-I |
Handwritten |
155 |
Government Oriental Manuscript Library & Research Centre, Chennai, T. N. |
5. |
Rajapati Narayana |
Sangeet Narayanam-II |
Handwritten |
175 |
Government Oriental Manuscript Library & Research Centre, Chennai, T. N. |
6. |
Lakshmi Narayana |
Sangeet Sooryodaya |
Handwritten |
442 |
Government Oriental Manuscript Library & Research Centre, Chennai, T. N. |
7. |
Somnaya |
Natya Choodamani |
Handwritten |
035 |
Government Oriental Manuscript Library & Research Centre, Chennai, T. N. |
8. |
Narayana |
Sangeet Sami |
Handwritten |
248 |
Government Oriental Manuscript Library & Research Centre, Chennai, T. N. |
9. |
Kohal |
Kohal Rahasyam |
Handwritten |
013 |
Government Oriental Manuscript Library & Research Centre, Chennai, T. N. |
10. |
Kohal |
Sangeet Vidyamntra |
Handwritten |
Government Oriental Manuscript Library & Research Centre, Chennai, T. N. |
11. |
Shridakshini Ragamala |
Handwritten |
019 |
Government Oriental Manuscript Library & Research Centre, Chennai, T. N. |
12 |
Sankeerna Raga |
Handwritten |
05 |
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune, M. H. |
13. |
Ragaragini Swaroopani |
Handwritten |
04 |
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune, M. H. |
14. |
Ranakumbha |
Sangeet Rajh (Pathyaratna Kosh) |
Handwritten |
022 |
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune, M. H. |
15. |
Shri Bharatkrut |
Geetalankar |
023 |
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune, M. H. |
16. |
Shri Nanyadev |
BharatBhashyam |
Xerox Copy |
442 |
17. |
Bhatkhande Vishnunarayana |
Madhav Music College, Gwalior ki parikshayen evam nirikshano ka Vrutant |
Typed |
Shri P. N. Chinchore, Music Scholar |
18. |
Bhatkhande Vishnunarayana |
Madhav Music College, Gwalior ki parikshayen evam nirikshano ka Vrutant |
Typed |
Shri P. N. Chinchore, Music Scholar |
19. |
Bhatkhande Vishnunarayana |
Madhav Music College, Gwalior ki parikshayen evam nirikshano ka Vrutant |
Typed |
Shri P. N. Chinchore, Music Scholar |
20. |
Bhatkhande Vishnunarayana |
Madhav Music College, Gwalior ki parikshayen evam nirikshano ka Vrutant |
Shri P. N. Chinchore, Music Scholar |
21. |
Bhatkhande Vishnunarayana |
Madhav Music College, Gwalior ki parikshayen evam nirikshano ka Vrutant |
Shri P. N. Chinchore, Music Scholar |
22. |
Bhatkhande Vishnunarayana |
Madhav Music College, Gwalior ki parikshayen evam nirikshano ka Vrutant |
Shri P. N. Chinchore, Music Scholar |
23. |
Sharma Vishnu |
Ashtottar Shattal Lakshanam |
Typed cyclostyle / Handwritten |
017 |
24. |
Bunde Khan |
Sangeet Vivek Darpana |
Handwritten |
014 |
25. |
Bhatkhande |
Majha Utteracha Pravas |
Handwritten |
369 |
Shri S. N. Ratanjankar, Music Scholar |
26. |
Bhatkhande Vishnunarayana |
Shri Mallakshya Sangetam (Marathi Anuvad) |
Typed |
085 |
27. |
Bhatkhande Vishnunarayana |
Shri Mallakshya Sangetam (Marathi Anuvad) |
Typed |
085 |
28. |
Bhatkhande Vishnunarayana |
Shri Mallakshya Sangetam (Marathi Anuvad) |
Typed |
085 |
29. |
Bhatkhande Vishnunarayana |
Shri Mallakshya Sangetam (Marathi Anuvad) |
Typed |
085 |
30. |
Bhatkhande Vishnunarayana |
Shri Mallakshya Sangetam (Marathi Anuvad) |
Typed |
085 |
31. |
Bhatkhande Vishnunarayana |
Shri Mallakshya Sangetam (Marathi Anuvad) |
Typed |
32. |
Bhanukavi |
Rasa Tarangini |
Handwritten Xerox Copy |
025 |
Shri Bala Bhau Umredkar |
33. |
Sangeet Prabhakara |
Handwritten Xerox Copy |
086 |
34. |
Sangeet Prabhakara |
Handwritten Xerox Copy |
016 |
35. |
Bhatkhande Vishnunarayana |
Majha Purvecha Pravas 1907 |
274 |
Shri S. N. Ratanjankar, Music Scholar |
36. |
Sharada Nandan |
Sangeet Saroddhar |
Handwritten |
034 |
Government Oriental Manuscript Library & Research Centre, Chennai, T. N. |
37. |
Ahobla |
Sangeet Parijaat |
Handwritten Incomplete |
017 |
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune, M. H. |
38. |
Appatulasi |
Abhinava Talmanjari |
Typed Cyclosyele |
015 |
Shri P. N. Chinchore, Music Scholar |
39. |
Kalinath |
Aoumapattam |
Hadnwritten |
Dr. C. P. Desai, Music Scholar |
40. |
Yajnavalkya |
Tralshwaryam |
Handwritten |
016 |
Dr. C. P. Desai, Music Scholar |
41. |
Bhatkhande Vishnunarayana |
Majha Dakshinecha Pravas |
340 |
Shri S. N. Ratanjankar, Music Scholar |
42. |
Haridaya Narayana Dev |
Dridaya Prakash / Hrudaya Kautuka |
Handwritten / typed |
028 |
Anup Sanskrit Library, Bikaner, R. J. |
43. |
Bhavbhatt |
Anup Sangeet Vilasa-Swaradhyaya |
Handwritten |
038 |
Anup Sanskrit Library, Bikaner, R. J. |
44. |
Bhavbhatt |
Anup Sangeet Vilasa- Ragadhyaya |
Handwritten |
100 |
Anup Sanskrit Library, Bikaner, R. J. |
45. |
Bhavbhatt |
Anup Sangeet Ratnakara- Swaradhyaya |
Handwritten |
032 |
Anup Sanskrit Library, Bikaner, R. J. |
46. |
Bhavbhatt |
Anup Sangeet Ratnakara- Ragadhyaya |
Handwritten |
098 |
Anup Sanskrit Library, Bikaner, R. J. |
47. |
Bhavbhatt |
Anup Sangeetankusha- Swaradhyaya |
Handwritten |
020 |
Anup Sanskrit Library, Bikaner, R. J. |
48. |
Bhavbhatt |
Anup Sangeetankusha- Ragadhyaya |
Handwritten |
027 |
Anup Sanskrit Library, Bikaner, R. J. |
49. |
Narada |
Sangeet Makarnda |
Handwritten |
172 |
Sangeet Karyalaya, Hathrasa, U. P. |
50. |
Devendra |
Shri Sangeet Muktavali |
Handwritten |
266 |
Saraswati Mahal Library, Thanjavur, T. N. |
51. |
(Tala Lakshanam) Tala Prasharam |
Handwritten |
039 |
Saraswati Mahal Library, Thanjavur, T. N. |
52. |
Lasya Kusumanjali |
Handwritten |
03 |
Saraswati Mahal Library, Thanjavur, T. N. |
53. |
Sangeet Sudhakaram |
Handwritten |
132 (35-166) |
Saraswati Mahal Library, Thanjavur, T. N. |
54. |
Sangeet Makaranda |
Saraswati Mahal Library, Thanjavur, T. N. |
55. |
Sangeet Shiromani |
090 |
Prachya Vidya Pratisthan, Jodhpur, R. J. |
56. |
Sangeet Shiromani |
Hadnwritten |
056 |
Anup Sanskrit Library, Bikaner, R. J. |
57. |
Sangeet Shiromani |
Anup Sanskrit Library, Bikaner, R. J. |
58. |
Keekraj |
Sangeet Saroddhar |
031 |
Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Raipur, C. G. |
59. |
Madanapal |
Anand Sanjeevan Sangeet |
106 |
Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Raipur, C. G. |
60. |
Keekraj |
Sangeet Tala Jnana |
Xerox |
013 |
Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Raipur, C. G. |
61. |
Sangeet Shastra |
139 |
Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Raipur, C. G. |
62. |
Damodara |
Sangeet Darpana |
Xerox |
042 |
Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Raipur, C. G. |
63. |
Sangeet Kaladhar |
Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Raipur, C. G. |
64. |
Bhavbhatt |
Anup Sangeet Vilas |
Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Raipur, C. G. |
65. |
Ragatarangini |
026 |
Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Raipur, C. G. |
66. |
Keekraj |
Sangeet Saroddhar |
Handwritten / Xerox |
043 |
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune, M. H. |
67. |
Tala Chandrika |
Handwritten / Xerox |
028 |
Dr. S. Chaudhary |
68. |
Tala Prastarha |
032 |
69. |
Tala Lakshanam |
017 |
70. |
Sangeet Sudhakara |
Handwritten / Xerox |
120 |
71. |
Tala Lakshanam |
026 |
72. |
Gopendratippa-bhupal |
Tala Deepika |
73. |
Abhinava Bharati |
229 |
74. |
Bharat Bhashyam |
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune, M. H. |
75. |
Chhadabodhini, Vinaya Patrika |
Handwritten / Xerox |
017 |
Janpad Library, Khairagarh, C. G. |
76. |
Madhava Nidan |
Handwritten / Xerox |
026 |
Janpad Library, Khairagarh, C. G. |
77. |
Vaidyaratna Kalami |
Handwritten / Xerox |
057 |
Janpad Library, Khairagarh, C. G. |
78. |
Bhagwata Kulavi |
Handwritten / Xerox |
229 |
Janpad Library, Khairagarh, C. G. |
79. |
Ganawali |
80. |
Roop Vilas Evam Bhushana Kaumudi |
Handwritten |
238 |
Janpad Library, Khairagarh, C. G. |
81. |
KavyaPrabodh, Alankara Mala |
Handwritten |
289 |
Janpad Library, Khairagarh, C. G. |
82. |
(Vaidya Shastra Sambandit) Ram Vinod Grantha |
Janpad Library, Khairagarh, C. G. |
83. |
Nighant Ratnakara Vaidyaka Kalami |
Handwritten |
432 |
Janpad Library, Khairagarh, C. G. |
84. |
Mahabharata |
Handwritten |
093 |
Janpad Library, Khairagarh, C. G. |
85. |
Rama Ashwamedha |
Handwritten |
077 |
Janpad Library, Khairagarh, C. G. |
86. |
Sur Sagara |
Handwritten |
028 |
Janpad Library, Khairagarh, C. G. |
87. |
Shrimat Bhagwat Kulamai |
Handwritten |
190 |
Janpad Library, Khairagarh, C. G. |
88. |
Valmiki Ramaravana |
Handwritten |
110 |
Janpad Library, Khairagarh, C. G. |
89. |
Shrimat Bhaktamaal |
Handwritten |
359 |
Janpad Library Khairagarh, C. G. |
90. |
Valmiki Ramayana |
Handwritten |
230 |
Janpad Library, Khairagarh, C. G. |
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